Dealers Auto Auction of Chattanooga
2120 Stein Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37421
1. Jeff West (General Manager)
Phone: 423-499-0015Email: jawest@dealersauto.com -
2. Donna Phillips (Fleet Lease Manager)
Phone: 423-499-0015 x3113Email: dphillips@dealersauto.com -
3. Mike Schmucker (Operations Manager)
Phone: 423-499-0015 x3133Email: mschmucker@dealersauto.com -
4. Zach Poole (Office Manager)
Phone: 423-499-0015 x3139Email: zpoole@dealersauto.com -
5. Jessica Jackson (Marketing Manager | Arbitration | Sales)
Phone: 423-499-0015 x3132Email: jjackson@dealersauto.com -
6. Skylar Hilley (Dealer Registration)
Phone: 423-499-0015 x3140Email: shilley@dealersauto.com -
7. Buddy Lasater (Dealer Sales )
Phone: 423-718-3521 x3109Email: blasater@dealersauto.com -
8. Betty Jones (Title Clerk)
Phone: 423-499-0015 x3103Email: bjones@dealersauto.com -
9. Dani Schmucker (Transportation Coordinator)
Phone: 423-443-0465 x3118Email: dschmucker@dealersauto.com -
9. Tawanda Lyons (Floor Plans)
Phone: 423-499-0015 x3138Email: tlyons@dealersauto.com
Upcoming Events
DAA Chattanooga Weekly Sale - Thursday @8:15am EST
Sale Types: Dealer, Internet, Lease, SaleEvent Date: 2/20/2025 8:15am ESTDAA Chattanooga Weekly Sale - Thursday: INOPs @8:15am EST | Fleet Lease & Dealer Consignment @9:00am EST
DAA Chattanooga Weekly Sale - Thursday @8:15am EST
Sale Types: Dealer, Internet, Lease, SaleEvent Date: 3/6/2025 8:15am ESTDAA Chattanooga Weekly Sale - Thursday: INOPs @8:15am EST | Fleet Lease & Dealer Consignment @9:00am EST
DAA CHATTANOOGA GSA ***PUBLIC*** SALE: Vehicles run the first Thursday of the month @11:00AM EST
Sale Types: Dealer, GSA/Government Sales, Internet, Public, SaleEvent Date: 3/6/2025 11:00am ESTDAA CHATTANOOGA GSA ***PUBLIC*** SALE: Vehicles run the first Thursday of the month @11:00AM EST