Greater Rockford Auto Auction

5937 Sandy Hollow Road
Rockford, IL  61109

Upcoming Events


    Sale Types: Booksheet, Damage/Inop, Dealer, Internet, Lease, Sale, Specialty
    Event Date: 2/19/2025 8:45am CST

    As-Is Video Sale starts at 8:45 am
    L & LL Lanes begin at 9:30 am or immediately following AS-IS Sale
    A Lane begins at 9:45 am
    B & C Lanes begin at 10:00 am
    ---BUYER NOTICE ---
    *Keys are NOT guaranteed on As-IS Video Sale vehicles VL and VC run numbers.
    *Bidders placing proxy bids on vehicles with no lights must assume that the vehicle will be ran RED LIGHT with possible announcements. Proxy bids placed on these vehicles will be binding.
    *All AG or AG Motor Trans vehicles will have an automatic PSI

    For further information, please contact Sales and Consignment at: 800-830-4722.
    See you in the LANES!!



Distance from GRAA to Select Markets

Downtown Chicago..................................80 miles
Chicago O’Hare International Airport.......65 miles
Milwaukee................................................90 miles
Madison...................................................75 miles
Quad Cities............................................105 miles
Peoria....................................................135 miles

GRAA provides nationwide vehicle pickup and delivery.
GRAA is close in proximity to 4 major markets with 13 million people living within 120 miles.
Easy access to Interstate 90, Interstate 39 and U.S. Route 20.





Directions from Milwaukee, WI (north), Click Here Directions from Peoria, IL (south), Click Here
Directions from Moline, IL/Quad Cities (west), Click Here Directions from Downtown Chicago, IL (east), Click Here



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